Healthy and Light Taste of South Indian Food

Dhaba India is a south Indian restaurant nearby Tokyo station. “Dhaba” means “dining room” in Hindi. Five experienced chef from Tamil and Kerara, both of which are famous southern city in India, cook real south Indian cuisine. You can enjoy the sophisticated spice hermony.

(photo from Tabelog)

South Indian food is completely different from its counterpart in north. South Indian food uses more vegetables and coconuts milk rather than meat and diary products. Thus butter chicken curry, one of the most popular north Indian foods, is not seen in the south.

(photo from Tabelog)

South Indian curry has light taste, while the north one has strong and rich taste. The density is also different; south one is watery, while the north one is very thick. Such difference comes from the difference of weather conditions. In the winter season, the average temprature in south is higher than that in north. Thus lighter taste has become popular in south India.

photo from Tabelog
The blue decorated interior design reflects the image of Jodhpur, a south Indian city famous for the history of Maharaja.

Dhaba India
2-7-9, Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Mon-Fri 11:15-15:00(L.O. 14:30), 17:00-23:00(L.O.22:00)
Sat/Sun/holidays 12:00-15:00(L.O. 14:30), 17:00-22:00(L.O. 21:00)

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