The authentic Hiroshima style okonomiyaki in Tokyo

Okonomiyaki is a popular pan fried food that consists of cabbage, sliced pork, various ingredients, and toppings – it is called a kind of Japanese style pizza. Though this food is well known and prevailing all over this country, it is most popular in Osaka and Hiroshima. Today I introduce an authentic Hiroshima style okonomiyaki restaurant in Setagaya, Tokyo.

The red part is Hiroshima prefecture – the okonomiyaki lovers’ sanctuary (photo from

In Tokyo, it is really difficult to find good okonomiyaki restaurants. In fact, the total number of okonomiyaki restaurant in Hiroshima is outstanding; there are as many as 58o of okonomiyaki restaurants per million people in Hiroshima, while only 90 in Tokyo as shown in above picture. The density of okonomiyaki restaurants in Hiroshima is approximately 6 times as much as that in Tokyo.

Hassho (八昌) is one of the most popular okonomiyaki restaurants in Hiroshima. It has its outpost in Kyodo, the west of Tokyo. The standard okonomiyaki is JPY800, and you can select toppings such as shrimps, cheese, squid, fried snacks, or garlic – these toppings are ranging in JPY150-250.

The head quarter of Hassho (photo from Hassho)

To make Hiroshima style okonomiyaki, well trained technique is required, while Osaka style restaurants let their customers make their okonomiyaki by themselves. Actually, even in the sanctuary of okonomiyaki, Hiroshima prefecture, it is very rare for the residents to make okonomiyaki at home; for Hiroshima people, okonomiyaki is  the most typical things to eat at restaurant not at home – Osaka people often make okonomiyaki at home.

This authentic Hiroshima okonomiyaki restaurant reminds Hiroshima-origin people in Tokyo of the taste of their home town. Thus the it is very busy always. It is recommended to make a reservation in advance.

The total budget for dinner, JPY5,000-6,000 would be enough. This restaurant is very casual.

Hassho (八昌)
1-21-18, Kyodo, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Tue-Sat 17:00~24:00(L.O.23:30)
Sun, holidays 17:00~23:00(L.O.22:30)
Closed on Monday

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